Examining the Role of government and the Constitution utilizing the events of 9/11
We have already begun the discussion that the states of NY and NJ, not the federal government, had jurisdiction over the construction of the WTC site.
(8:46 AM)
-We will begin our examination of government reaction from the moments when the first plane struck the North Tower.
President notified that a plane has struck the North Tower (accident was thought to be the cause at that point, similar to ESB accident in 1945.) Only federal response at this point was the first moves of the FAA to get to the scene to investigate. (Who controls the FAA, and where its authority derived from in the Constitution.)
City of NYC begins immediate emergency response. Full-scale, all-hands-on-deck approach utilized. (intro discussion of federalism and the role of posse comitatus)
Second plane attacks and heavily damages South Tower.
9:05 Andrew Card tells President Bush, who is reading to a classroom full of children, that a second plane has struck the WTC...President Bush processes, in front of cameras, that information and begins planning our national response to a now obvious deliberate attack on our nation. (Once this was obvious the President had to assume his Article 2 responsibility as the CINC of the nation...what does that mean?)
9:28- Flight 93 is hijacked above Ohio
9:31 President makes quick address at the school. President moved is as quickly as possible to Air Force One, which is kept aloft per Secret Service protocol as the threat to the nation is accessed by the President and those members of the National Security apparatus that were available…
9:32 Air Traffic control overhears hijacker announcing that Flight 93 has been taken over
9:37 A third hijack plane strikes the Pentagon, just 3.2 miles from the White House...where the VP and National Security team were being moved to deal with the situation. (if the plane had been at the White House and struck it, it would have only been about 22 seconds later than the impact at the Pentagon) (What is the presidential line of succession, and where in the Constitution or our laws is that succession spelled out?) Hmmm
(Was this CONSTITUTIONAL? Does it matter? Would we do this again if similarly confronted? Does the Constitution address this type of issue?)
9:45 White House and U.S. Capitol evacuated. At this point FEDERAL RESPONSE was very limited, and only that which was part of the SOP for a crisis event.
FBI would be rolling to the scenes of all impacts to begin investigations. (Good point to introduce John O’Neil…(Where was the FBI offices in DC and NYC)
9:59 South Tower collapses
10:03:11 Flight 93 crashes near Shanksville, Pennsylvania...no one survives the crash.
Completely false
Introduce the concept of the FOG OF WAR
Approximately 10:10-10:15 Vice-President Cheney authorizes the shootdown of a plane if it poses a threat for another attack. (Was this constitutional? Why or why not?)
10:20 President Bush informs VP Cheney that he has authorized a shootdown if one is needed. (Does the fact that he gave this authorization render a decision on whether VP Cheney’s authorization meaningless?...btw...apparently VP Cheney’s authorization is not transmitted by NORAD until 10:31)
10:28:22 North Tower collapses
10:50:19 Five-stories of the Pentagon Collapse
6:34 A.M. NYC...the sun did rise again...
What were the long term, Constitutional Issues that American had to deal with after the attack?
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